For some products, having your own language that your customers can use to be productive, or make your product that much more powerful, is a Domain Specific Language. Think Atlassian’s Jira Query Language, Github’s filter feature etc.

Why not hand-roll your own parser? – well, in 99% of cases, you wouldn’t really need the extra granular control to squeeze out every bit of performance out of a parser, or nor will you need extra features that Antlr would not be able to provide – these types of requirements are usually reserved for products that are sold as a language themselves i.e. real programming languages like C#, JavaScript etc.

A pre-requisite to this guid is having antlr4 tool itself installed. You should be able to run antlr4 and grun commands in your terminal after following the getting started guide.

Starting With Something Simple

So, let’s have some simple fictional requirements – let’s say we’re a job board that allows employers to search for potentially suitable candidates.

As a power user, I want to be able to write an expression for searching candidates that looks like:

  @current_job_title contains "software developer"
  or @current_job_title contains "software engineer"
and @experience_years > 5 
and @salary < 90000

To put this as language syntax requirements and what we need to support, we need to be able to:

Lexer Rules

Simply put, a lexer turns a stream of text into a stream of tokens for the parser to consume, it is the first part of the parsing process.

Our lexer should be fairly small and look like this:


 // boolean operators
And: 'and';
Or: 'or';

// operators 
GreaterThan: '>';
GreaterThanEqual: '>=';
LessThan: '<'; 
LessThanEqual: '<=';
Equal: '=';
NotEqual: '!=';
Contains: 'contains';

OpenParen: '(';
CloseParen: ')'; 

// operands
Number: [0-9]+;
String: '"' ( '\\"' | ~["\r\n] )*? '"';

WhiteSpace: [ \t\f\r\n]+ -> channel(HIDDEN); // skip whitespaces
Discardable: . -> channel(HIDDEN); // keeping whitespace tokenised makes it easier for syntax highlighting

fragment PROPERTY_NAME: [a-z_]+;
fragment AT: '@';

We’ve defined all the possible tokens that can exist in the language that we’re implementing.

Parser Rules

Now, this is the more interesting part – the parser rules. The parser rules define what a valid state for a given grammar is.

Our parser rules looks like this:


expr: predicate EOF;

    : predicate booleanOperator predicate
    | OpenParen predicate CloseParen
    | operand operator operand

    : And
    | Or

    : GreaterThan
    | LessThan
    | GreaterThanEqual
    | LessThanEqual
    | Equal
    | NotEqual
    | Contains

    : Property
    | String
    | Number

You should now have a grammar file predicate.g4 that has content shown below:

grammar Predicate;


expr: predicate EOF;

    : predicate booleanOperator predicate
    | OpenParen predicate CloseParen
    | operand operator operand

    : And
    | Or

    : GreaterThan
    | LessThan
    | GreaterThanEqual
    | LessThanEqual
    | Equal
    | NotEqual
    | Contains

    : Property
    | String
    | Number


 // boolean operators
And: 'and';
Or: 'or';

// operators 
GreaterThan: '>';
GreaterThanEqual: '>=';
LessThan: '<'; 
LessThanEqual: '<=';
Equal: '=';
NotEqual: '!=';
Contains: 'contains';

OpenParen: '(';
CloseParen: ')'; 

// operands
Number: [0-9]+;
String: '"' ( '\\"' | ~["\r\n] )*? '"';

WhiteSpace: [ \t\f\r\n]+ -> channel(HIDDEN); // skip whitespaces
Discardable: . -> channel(HIDDEN); // keeping whitespace tokenised makes it easier for syntax highlighting

fragment PROPERTY_NAME: [a-z_]+;
fragment AT: '@';

Run a few tests

Now, with predicate.g4 defining our grammar, we can test our grammar by running following commands:

for cmd:

antlr4 -Dlanguage=Java -o .java Predicate.g4 -no-listener -visitor ^
& javac .java/*.java ^
& pushd .java ^
& grun Predicate expr -gui

or bash:

antlr4 -Dlanguage=Java -o .java Predicate.g4 -no-listener -visitor \
& javac .java/*.java \
& pushd .java \
& grun Predicate expr -gui

Now, you will be able to type in some text to try your grammar out, for example:

(@current_job_title contains "software developer" 
or @current_job_title_contains "software enginner") 
and @experience_in_years > 5 
and @salary > 90000

Once, then for windows, you enter your input by adding EOF, this is CTRL+Zin windows, and CTRL+D on unix.

You should now see your text parsed as a tree.

Next Up

Next part of this post, will include:
– building the actual parser
– adding extra abstraction over antlr to simplify the parse-tree and a few other benefits
– build an evaluator that evaluates a search string going through a parser and finally, searching and returning response from elastic search